‘’My God My God, why have you forsaken me?’’
Six years ago, a child from St Anne’s school, called Callum, gave me what was supposed to be an Easter card, he had made for me. But there was everything unusual and strange about this card. Rather than carry familiar images, traditionally associated with Easter, like bunnies, eggs, open tomb,
Lent during the Lockdown
Written by Jo. Lent is a time for repentance and reflecting on our own selves. In a way this difficult situation can bring us closer to the essence of it. While staying in isolation we are doing a lot more than we think. Right now it is the best way
Newsletter: Christmas 2018
[pdf-embedder url=”https://justyouth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/jy-newsletter-christmas-18.pdf” title=”jy newsletter christmas 18″]
International Workers’ Day – Piece of my mind on social justice in our world…
If there is one thing that concerns us all it is Social Justice. Firstly, in what happens to us. Issues of Social Justice affect the most of us. Many people belong to a minority even though it may fall under the radar. A lot of gender equality issues are still
T H E D R A G O N F L Y.
Take some time to wind down before you wind up for the weekend. Kick back and soak up this thought-provoking reflection led by one of the team . . . ‘Many flying insects are annoying, but this one is not. It does not sting like a wasp, suck your blood
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